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Clue One

Clue One

Freya, Cork, Ireland asked:
‘Where is your album buried, sorry planted..?’

Erland answered:
‘In Orkney, Scotland but it is an archipelago of over 70 islands. Here is a map.’

Simon, NY, USA asked:
‘Did you actually delete the digital file and there is only one copy in the world? Really?’

Erland answered:
‘Yes. The only copy of the music exists on a tape in the ground and I suppose in the memory of the players who recorded it.’

Sarah, Cambridge, UK asked:
‘Why??? I want to listen to it now, pretty please?’

Erland answered:
‘To learn the virtue of patience. It’s a collaboration with time and landscape, the soil itself. To do that, I need to wait too. Nothing would please me more than to dig it up and share the performances of those wonderful players but I can’t, sorry.’

MISTER35MM, London, via Twitter asked:
‘It will have perished before it’s dug up. You muppets!’

Erland answered:
‘Yes, perhaps it will and then we shall be content with silence.’

Weller, Woking, UK asked:
‘Has anyone found it yet??’

Erland answered:
‘No, I will dig it up in 2024, 3 years after I planted it but I will release clues to it’s whereabouts so anyone can find it for themselves before then if they so wish – a treasure hunt of sorts. The master tape is planted with a violin and a biscuit tin. In that is a score and some notes on how to get it back to me in. Happy seeking. Enjoy your stay on the islands.’